R.A.D. Exam & Class Presentations
R.A.D. Fees
Fees due January 20, 2024
Checks payable to The Conservatory of Movement
Pre-Primary - $98.00
Grade 1 - $113.00
Grade 2 - $117.00
Grade 3 - $123.00
Grade 4 - $128.00
Grade 5 - $136.00
Intermediate - $155.00
Advanced Foundation (R.A.D. Member*) - $169.00
Advanced Foundation (Non-R.A.D. Member) - $261.00
Advanced 1 (R.A.D. Member*) - $177.00
Advanced 1 (Non-R.A.D. Member) - $268.00
*An R.A.D. Member is when a student pays a yearly membership fee to the Academy. https://us.royalacademyofdance.org/membership/
Please check with Miss Miriam/Miss Barbara if your student is participating in R.A.D. this session.
R.A.D. Exam/Class Awards will be March 7 & 8, 2024. Please be aware RAD Class Awards/Exams are NOT during regular class times and are non-refundable.
Excuse memos can be provided upon request.
Coaching classes begin in January/February. One parent may attend. Coaching Fee due at time of coaching (cash or check only.)
COACHING SESSIONS: Each examination and presentation group will have one mandatory coaching session/mock exam to help prepare students for the unique testing environment, protocols, and spacing. Parents are invited to sit in on these sessions to see the progress their dancers have made. Schedule and details will be posted closer to the coaching dates. The Coaching Fee is payable at the time of coaching session (cash or check only).
Schedule to be announced...
R.A.D. Group Coaching Sessions
R.A.D. Exam Schedule
Please arrive at the studio 30 minutes prior to scheduled exam time with hair done.
One parent should attend, no siblings allowed.
March 7 & 8, 2024 - Schedule to be announced.